Thursday, January 19, 2012

Nothing interesting here

So, i pulled up my blog but i again had nothing to talk about so i will just do my multiple different things and stuff like that.

Friend Zone!
So, yeah i find this a pretty funny topic. I was listening to Friend Zone by your favorite martian on youtube but it is true. Friend Zones are dangerous and can cripple a mans self esteem and ruin their life. If you ever notice that you might have put someone in the friend zone shame on you. O and this is the song

but just a warning on yourfavoritemartian most of his other songs are inapropro so don't click on those....yeah
Anyways back to the Friend Zone! My friend recently got friend zoned and it sent him in a downward spiral and now he is fat and lonely and still in the zone. The Friend Zone that is.

New Phone!
I just got a new phone last night and it isn't the best phone but it is okay. Its technically a smart phone but in my opinion its more of a B- student phone. Its only 3g i think and the apps are mostly stupid but its no big deal I only need it for about six more months and then hopefully i will be in Canada where i can buy a whole new phone. I do like the phone tho it has a touch screen and a full key board also the wallpaper looks like a lighting storm which is really cool i will show all of you. I don't really know what else it can do i haven't really messed around with it that much but yeah that is what it is.

Random Facts!
Kangaroos cannot move there legs independently
Cats sleep from 16 to 18 hours a day
The sound of E.T. walking was made by someone squishing her hands in jelly. 
A lion's roar can be heard from five miles away.
Children grow faster in the spring
The elephant is the only mammal with four knees
If you heat a diamond to 1405 degrees Farenheit, it will turn into vapor.

So yeah thats my blog bye

May the odds ever be in your favor


  1. entertaining, maybe you should have the blog flow a little bit better, idk tho

  2. your random facts are very entertaining. You should tell us more about being in the friend zone.

  3. You have a B- Student phone??? Hahah! I've seen the friend zone, and its even worse then the zone before "Watch-From-Afar." Although I'm just wondering how people would know they have put someone in the "Friend Zone?"
