Tuesday, November 1, 2011


I felt like talking about something secretive and i guess it won't be much of a secret after this and these things aren't much of a secret now i just don't really like talking about them or i just don't bring them up but i have nothing better to write about. This kinda just started by me writing down the first word the popped into my head into the title bar but i hadn't thought it out much...I like Ellie Goulding and no that is not a girl i know it is this singer who does more pop ish stuff i guess im really bad at catagorizing music but it isn't usually what i listen to i personally like rap and hip hop my favorite song right now would probably be mirrors by lil wayne it is a great song but some of Ellies songs that i like is Lights, the Writer and starr eyed all good songs but it is kind of something i wouldn't listen to loud in public and i also really like jar of hearts by christina perri but enough about music and on to an even darker secret. My dad has a gf and he has had one since april but he only got legally divorced a couple months ago and i only found out a couple weeks ago and i havent gotten the chance to really tell anyone that or talk aobout it and i am not asking to talk about it ith anyone but i guess it is nice to get things off my chest and now its out there. Some other things that would be nice to get off my chest...well i don't really have many things that people don't know about i am a big fan of marvel and i actually read comics when im feeling nostalgic or down and thats nerdy even though i wouldn't classify myself as a nerd and actually more of inside loner. I couldn't really make it by myself i dont really do much when im alone and i work better when people are around but i dnt kno what that classifys me as and some other secrets i dont really have any but i can say curse words which i dnt really have much need for but  damn do i want to use them but i wont go over board because i am not abad child even though i got grounded yesterday because my mother was in a particularly bad mood and anyone who has met my mother knows she is almost always in a bad mood so when she is in a worse mood well that is even worse and i am actually thinking off weather or not i should post this bu since i dont want to spend another twenty minutes writing about some thing else i wont and to no big surprise to anyone is that i am currently failing physics and i am behind in every other class except personal finance but i dnt really like that class and it has nothing to do with the teacher i just dont find it interesting and ms coyle does make some stuff interesting but no one can make a class as entertaining as ms musick and that it my time i think well good bye

That is my cousin Ruby she is awesome and lives in ny with my aunt dnt kno why i added it but i felt like it so yeah ....


  1. you write the most random blogs ever. :D
    I totally understand how you feel about being a loner. I'm mostly the same way.
    And i feel nostalgic all the freakin time, its awful, I pretty much live in the past. :/

    And on another note, I'm 100% sure that you're wayyy smarter then you think you are and that you give yourself credit for. trust me, I know.

  2. Ditto on the smarts thing, you might procrastinate but you're always on top of things in Math.
    One other note: You are the King of run-on sentences!

  3. lol it is definatly a random blog but my favorite.and its the most intertaining too

  4. Job accomplished. 20 minutes of writing is like 20 minutes of pushups. You might not like it at the time, but it is good for you.
