Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I don't really want to write much today so i am finding pictures and asking questions.

If you could have a super power what would it be?
My super power would be telekinesis cus i could levitate stuff

Just a really cool picture with cool colors and screw the questions just pictures

Q How awesome would this video game be?! 
A pretty freaking awesome
yeah i asked another question i am indecisive

That is a fact

That is me and my sister right before she left to go to canada for school and she will coming back in december for her christmas break but also i just look good :P


Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Circus, Girls and more

I don't have a topic that i want to cover today so i am just going to start writing and when i get to the end of my twenty minutes i will find a title and publish this post. Where shall i start? I am going to Six Flags!!!! Thanks to the amazing Stephanie Steen! I will forever be in her debt unless i can figure out a way to repay her but i will think of something but yeah i am going to six flags with some of my friends and maybe an Ex Girlfriend from when i was like 13 or 14 i don't remember exactly but it is crazy because she texted me out of the blue and we started talking and it turned out that she was planning on going to six flags next friday too so we are probably going together our group and hers merged into one giant teenage machine but it will be nice to catch up with her because she was actually my first girlfriend that lasted more than a week and she is also really cool but i am not sure if we are allowed to talk about Girls on our blog? I don't know if it is HomeLink appropriate? I never did read a handbook that everyone always talks about.   Next up on my things to talk about list would be...circus i guess i mean i have the same schedule as i did last week but i think with only eight shows maybe nine but i don't think so but i get paid for it and i love it so i don't mind the work load. I am going into to the city museum in a couple hours to practice and teach which will be awesome it will take my mind off of things but thats all i really had to say about circus but another thing is i might be going to California during New Years to visit a group of friends i met in AYCO. (AYCO is American Youth Circus Orginization) Meaning its a place where a whole bunch of circus kids get together and hang out for a week it is pretty awesome to say the least but the girls i met had an adjoining room to ours at the hotel so we became really tight over the stay and i think im going to to Cali for week which is awesome to say the least but on a positive note i hit my twenty minutes in only a couple minutes so i will start typing and then just stop when it reaches time i will lift my hands from the key board and you will never know what happened. On a entirely different note Jojo wasn't at Homelink today and i was really sad he couldn't have been there for the election he would have been a great questionnaire.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


I'm preforming at the greatest show on earth today! I have performed at Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Baily for the past three ish years but I just can't believe we are doing it again. We aren't actually in the show but we are doing the Pre-show which is still a really great honor and i am pretty excited for it. Performing is something that i can always look forward to and always excell at. I feel more confident when i am in the ring and i feel more myself but sometimes it gets realy overwhelming like this week i am performing nine shows altogether. One at Ringling, Three more on Friday two of which are at the museum and another is at Grants Farm, Another three on saturday with two at the museum and one at grants farm and then to top it all off Two of them on sunday. So, its a lot and i still have all of my homework to get through and not to mention seven hours i have to teach over the weekend and the practice time which takes up about the rest of my life if not more but at least i get to do what i love.


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Elections and Circus

This election is great. I got apple pie and vanilla ice cream on tuesday. This is great i love apple pie. I only really like apple pie and i am so glad that Jimmer knows that. Plus i hate chocolate ice cream and love vanilla so that is another great thing! I can't wait till next tuesday maybe Jimmer will bring cupcakes he/she is alway doodling cupcakes and they would be quite nice to eat because well lets face it who doesn't like cupcakes and maybe she will bring candy i sure hope so and this segways perfectly into my circus part. Well not really but i don't care much for segways so i will just start by saying i am an awesome circus preformer and can't wait till tomorrow when i am part of the first three person show created, preformed and directed by all teens. It features Kellin my brother and anyone reading this blog probably knows kellin and a black kid named Anthony which if anyone was reading this blog they probably wouldn't know so it doesn't matter and myself and well of course you know who i am. so yea that is all really this hasn't taken quite 20 minutes so i will add a picture of me tumbling in florida. It is pretty cool just saying